Learn sewing inserted slant side pockets for pants and skirts in these online instructional videos.
See how to draft an inserted slant side pocket on a copied pants block pattern. You can apply the same steps for sewing pockets to a skirt.
To draft pants or skirt block patterns, you can watch the Pants (click here) or Skirt (click here) block pattern making video lessons.
Once the slanted pocket patterns are drafted, we will add seam allowances, cut out fabric pieces, fuse interfacing to the pocket opening and sew the pocket pieces to the pants.
When the pockets are sewn to the pants or skirt, the rest of the sewing process will be exactly the same as the Pants (click here) or Skirt (click here) sewing video lessons.
(Please click on the below image to zoom in)
Duration: 71 mins
Video Chapters: 10 | Free Samples: 2
Released: March 2014
Instructor: Nehzat Houshan
Videos have voice over.
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