Part A
Learn how to style and add ease to the bodice block and sleeve block patterns we learned how to draft in previous video lessons. Then you will learn how to draft the cuff and decorative sleeve plackets and create a shoulder yoke as well.
If you decide to use a store bought shirt pattern, you can follow along with the step by step instructions and learn how to sew your shirt.
Part B
Learn how to draft a one piece and two piece shirt collar with stand. How to create a shoulder yoke pattern, adding seam and hem allowances to the shirt patterns and marking the notch and tailor’s tack locations on all the pattern pieces.
Part C
Lear how to cut out the pattern pieces and lay the patterns on the muslin and cut the muslin fabric. How to transfer the notch and tailor’s tack marks to the fabric pieces. Then pin and baste the darts, shoulder yoke, side seams, front opening, the cuff, the sleeve and the two piece collar to the shirt.
Part D
Learn how to do a fitting and make adjustments to the muslin shirt, and transfer these changes to the patterns. Then how to lay the patterns on the shirt fabric and cut the shirt pieces. Transfer the notch marks to your fabric pieces from the patterns, reinforce the cuff, collar and stand pieces by fusing interfacing. Then how to mark the tailor tacks to your cut pieces.
Part E
Learn how to sew the front and back darts and how to sew the shoulder yoke. Then learn how to sew the sleeve plackets, how to press the front and back waist darts and the side bust darts. Next, you will learn how to sew the side seams and sleeve seams and finish their seam allowances. Then, you will learn how to sew the under-lap and overlap of the front opening and how to baste mark the armhole and sleeve seam lines to make it easier to join the sleeves together.
Part F (Final Part)
Learn how to join the sleeves to the armholes, how to sew the cuffs and join them to the sleeves, how to sew the collar and join it to the neckline and how to sew the double folded shirt tail hem. How to find out how many buttons you will need for your shirt, measure and mark the placements of your buttonholes and sew the buttonholes by machine. Then secure the loose thread ends, sew on the buttons and press the finished shirt.

(Please click on below images to zoom in.)

Duration: 570 mins
Video Chapters: 60 | Free Samples: 11
Released: Dec. 2012, Jan, Feb
March, April + May 2013
Instructor: Nehzat Houshan
Videos have voice over.